Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tone/DTMF detector library for Arduino

Was playing with some cheap radios and decided that the keypad DTMF tones could be used for remote control.
I had some old source that detected touch tones using a AVR microcontroller and decided to convert it for Arduino.

This resulted in a library that detect audio tones played into any Arduino pin.
The audio is first clipped to a 1-bit signal (played loudly into a digital pin) then sampled at 10kHz.
256 1-bit samples (25.6mS) can then be analyzed for the content of one or more audio tones.
The analyzer uses a crude 1-bit DFT but works surprisingly well at detecting multible tones such as DTMF or guitar plucks.
The result can be presented as either a DTMF symbol or approximate signal strength for any frequency analyzed (up to 5kHz).

Here is the library for now (will move to github).


  1. Hello, thanks for this nice job.
    Please can you give us some details about this library.

    Again thanks.
